Violet Winter

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Another Sixty Days of Tommy P: Day 28

Sunday, April 20, 2008

“It says here that by the age of 21 he had already stabbed his girlfriend once in the abdomen, who bleed to death, and he then died of a heroin overdose when he was bailed out of jail.

. . . it really makes me wonder what I’m doing with my life.”

“Ours has been called a culture of narcissism. The label is apt but can be misleading. It reads colloquially as selfishness and self-absorption. But these images do not capture the anxiety behind our search for mirrors. We are insecure in our understanding of ourselves, and this insecurity breeds a new preoccupation with the question of who we are. We search for ways to see ourselves. The computer is a new mirror, the first psychological machine. Beyond its nature as an analytical engine lies its second nature as an evocative object.”
-Sherry Turkle

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