Violet Winter

Monday, October 19, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 292

Monday, October 19, 2009 (292)

After sitting at the frat all day I went out to The White Horse Tavern (“The White Ho”) to have an early dinner and watch a little of the Los Angeles / New York game. To give myself a bit more of a baseball mood I ordered “Ball Park Pretzels with Dueling Mustard Dip.” I told the bartender that I was from Chicago and wanted something local that I couldn’t get anywhere else. She stared at me for a bit before finally responding, “We have Sam Adams.” Worthless.

A few hours later Tim and I met up with Angela at Sunset for dinner number two. I had potatoes skins and a stout. And the game was in extra innings. Little did I realize that back home my DVR would not be recording House due to the game running late.

Tim and I went back to the frat house and made the most of my last night.

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