Violet Winter

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The 365: Day 757

Thursday, January 27, 2011 (27/757)

When someone sends a text to the processor on this shirt the sensors apply heat and pressure to simulate a hug. The one on the chest even simulates the heartbeat of the hug-giver.

I want it.

LED dress. You can program it. Awesome.

Adam realizing that there is glass in his way.

There weren’t seat belts. But that’s okay, who ever walked away from a plane crash thanks to seat belts?

I like this one because the flash from the other camera gives us shadows and ruins any attempt to simulate depth behind us.

This was taken just after I gave Krystle a wet-willie.

Dusty Grooves at Cobra Lounge

Dusty Grooves at Cobra Lounge

Dusty Grooves at Cobra Lounge

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