Violet Winter

Saturday, April 25, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 115

Saturday, April 25, 2009 (115)

Deaf Tom Crow at the Avenue Ale House in Oak Park. Then underground party – which I left when it ended at home, but that’s not the end of the story. I walked to the red line and boarded. While riding the train I was minding my own business while a few seats away a group of young men were creating quite a ruckus. I didn’t look at them or make any sounds implying that they were being disturbing. The train pulled to a stop at the North & Clybourn station and the group filed off, except for one. I was absentmindedly staring off not paying attention, and one of the guys ran up to me, hit me fairly hard in the throat and ran off the train laughing.

I spent the rest of the train ride thinking about how easily he could have slashed my throat and how I would have died alone on the train without anyone realizing that anything had happened until the train pulled into Howard. Pleasant.

I took the train as close to my place as it would take me at that time of the morning and walked the remaining four and a half miles. It took me two hours at a leisurely stroll - plenty of time to think.

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