Violet Winter

Friday, June 26, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 177

Friday, June 26, 2009 (177)

Assessing the bonfire during a momentary break from the VIP [Gazebo] Lounge.

Today I woke up at 6:30 on a couch in Lincoln Park and got picked up for a ride to Michigan with Timmy C and Bogle. We went directly to the sand dunes to volunteer with a children’s activity group and played capture the flag with some impressionable youths. Five minutes into the game I made a kid from the other team switch colored bracelets with me. He narc’d on me and I got disqualified for cheating.

At 1 P.M we inflated a raft we call “Tortuga.” It has five seats, two built in coolers, and enough room for four people to lie down comfortably. Three hours, six beers, and one crappy bottle of sunscreen later I wound up redder than a maraschino cherry.

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