Violet Winter

Saturday, June 27, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 178

Saturday, June 27, 2009 (178)

My sunburn pain started to set in today. I got an incredibly small amount of sleep on account of it.

This photo with Dogle was a joke, but later on he and his older brother, Bogle, got into an actual fight. I saw two figures rolling around on the ground and naturally I thought that it was two people making out, (they were close enough to notice but far enough to just barely make out their silhouettes). When I saw fists flying back and forth I carefully sat my drink down and rushed over. It took a few minutes but I separated the two of them, not without paying a price. I had few marks on my face from them, and then their collective blood covering my entire right arm, the right side of my face, and splattered all over one of my favorite t-shirts. – Oh yeah, and my sun burn stung for the rest of the night from wrestling the two of them, causing me to lie on my back in bed for well over two hours before I finally fell asleep, despite the agonizing pain.

“I’m having a party tonight. You should stop by. There’s gonna be a little drinkin, a little fightin, a little fornicatin.”
“Sounds like fun. When should I get there?”
“Show up whenever. It’s just gonna be the two of us.”

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