Violet Winter

Saturday, July 25, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 206

Saturday, July 25, 2009 (206)

In Wicker Park there was a Zombie Walk, as there sometimes are, except this one was special because I was one month since the passing of Michael Jackson. So it was billed as a Thriller Memorial of sorts. The original instructions were that we had to stay on the sidewalks, and that we could not touch people who were not involved. Neither of those rules lasted very long.

A guy on a bike was towing a battery-powered boom box, blasting “Thriller,” “Billie Jean,” “Beat It,” etc, on repeat. When he showed up we took to the streets and blocked traffic for the better side of an hour as we trudged along, chanting, “What do we want?” “BRAINS” “When do we want them?” “BRAINS!” And another favorite, that I started, “OUT OF THE SEWERS AND INTO THE STREETS!” A bicyclist passed by, he was attacked, knocked off his bike, and swarmed by zombies. He was then covered in zombie make-up as I started a chant: “ONE OF US! ONE OF US!”

Me with my fellow zombies after arriving from pre-march drinks and doing our make-up.

Attacking a normal.

Climbing a quarantine fence into a restricted area to feast on more brains.

Feasting on the brains of a passing bicyclist.

Most of the above photos were taken by other random people I don't know, and I found them on facebook. This one activates my hilarity unit.

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