Violet Winter

Friday, August 14, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 226

Friday, August 14, 2009 (226)

Our last picture of the summer together.

An intoxicated older gentleman decided that we were no longer aloud to have fun, so he called the police and they tried to end our bonfire. The cops who arrived were the same ones who (unsuccessfully) tried to bust our Ethnic Dinner ’08 party. They should have remembered that we would laugh in their faces whenever they ask us for our IDs. No one carries wallets around here (and this night everyone was of age).

They left their car far away from the bonfire, out of sight and sound, it was running, and unlocked.

The cops came in too hot at our fire and immediately started using obscene language with us. Our party was quiet until they showed up, then everything went to hell (ironically they were called because of a noise complaint and it wasn't loud until the arrived). Cab (pictured above with me and the constable's patrol vehicle) said he wanted to file a complaint because of the officer's vulgar and unwarranted language. One of them gave Cab his card. When we went back to a cottage to continue our shindig, we passed the card around and all had a good laugh.

I especially enjoyed that he was the assistant to the Crime Scene Tech. And not actually a full-fledged Crime Scene Tech. himself. I also got a good laugh at the fact that his e-mail address is through AOL. The force couldn't spring a domain of their own.

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