Violet Winter

Monday, August 17, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 229

Monday, August 17, 2009 (229)

I had to make another trip back to Chicago to return some gear to Third Coast Recording Company. I was planning on turning around and heading back to Michigan. Then I ran into Oscar.

Oscar: “What are you doing tonight?”
Tommy P: “Driving back.”
Oscar: “Wanna go to Rehab?”
Tommy P: “Yes.”

I had packed a shirt because I knew all along what I was really going to end up doing that night.

Here we are with Nino during Rehab at the Debonair Social Club.

After closing out another great night, I spotted a field of grass on my solo walk to Oscar’s apartment. Since I was not the least bit tired (Day 221: “Five is the new two.”) I jumped the fence to enjoy the rare existence of wild overgrown grass in the city.

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