Violet Winter

Thursday, September 17, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 260

Thursday, September 17, 2009 (260)

I turned 9,000 days old today.

My first wake up call came at 8 AM from Oscar. I was asleep on the floor of the VIP lounge at Third Coast (because someone else was on the couch) and he was in the other lounge. My phone was supposed to wake me up at 6:30. We ran out to my car, which was parked at a spot that says “No Parking 7AM-6PM.” No ticket. I finally catch a break.

My second wake up call came from Amanda. “Hey Tom! Guess What! I’m probably coming in town this weekend. Think you can pencil me in? . . . were you sleeping? News flash: It’s 12:30 and gorgeous out.” “News flash: I’m a rock star, and I do what I want.”

This is Colin. He was No Fate’s drummer for a few years. I tackled him outside of AK47 when I saw him because I hadn’t seen him in years. When I entered the doorman called me a “jackass” for making a scene in front of the door. It’s not like I interrupted a speech. Additionally, I wasn’t the one who let a 20 year old into a 21-and-over only establishment.

No Fate on Face Book

No Fate on My Space

No Fate on iTunes

When I got back to car I found this plant on my windshield. The apartment building under which I parked has balconies overlooking the street. The must’ve had a drunken party. I felt bad that the owner lost his/her plant. I picked it up and hurled it back up to the balcony, exploding it against the sliding glass door. Enjoy.

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