Violet Winter

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The 365: Day 904

Thursday, June 23, 2011 (174/904)

Chillin at Lady Shana’s with @SpookyPants1.

“So Tommy P rolls into Cobra Lounge last night, and everybody’s like, ‘Tommy P!’ And he’s all like, “What up, I aint got no sleeves.” - @spookypants1

My social media post of the day: I illegally parked my car with the emergency lights flashing so I could unload my groceries. I brought them into my apartment, I moved some stuff around to make room in the freezer, I put the plastic bags away for later miscellaneous usage, responded to a few texts and tweets, took a shower, did a little facebooking, THEN I REMEMBERED THAT I LEFT MY CAR ILLEGALLY PARKED OVER THIRTY MINUTES AGO!!!

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