Violet Winter

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The 365: Day 906

Saturday, June 25, 2011 (176/906)

And this appears to be a picture of me just getting so fat until I become one with the couch.

My social media post of the day: Last night at work I approached my supervisor, he was speaking with his supervisor at the time. Both men are black, which I only mention because it is relevant to the story. As I got within earshot they stopped talking to each other, turned to me, and one asked me, "Tom, do you separate whites from coloreds?" After my initial half a second internal reaction of "wtf," I realized they were talking about laundry. My mind immediately jumped to my facebook status from the other month in which I compared doing the laundry to race segregation . . . "No sir, I don't believe in separate but equal. I put them all together and run them on cold."

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