Violet Winter

Monday, December 7, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 341

Monday, December 7, 2009 (341)

Getting ready for an unforgettable/unrememberable night.

My fuel for Violet Winter’s first rehearsal (not full, only four fifths present, The International Stang Bang was missing).

I borrowed The International Stang Bang’s bass for rehearsal. In less than one hour I formed a new blister on my thumb and it burst while mid-song and I bled all over the pick guard.

Twice in a row no one will jump in the photo booth with me. Fuck you guys.

The purple rose – this is what we will be throwing off stage to the females we want to join us back stage.

Mr. Derek Berry getting crazy on his birthday for Rehab’s 100th party!

Shana & Iah

Me, Shana, and Iah caught on the dance floor.

- Photo not added by request –

Myself and Shana trying to do our standard pose.

Apparently I thought this was hilarious.

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