Violet Winter

Saturday, December 19, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 353

Saturday, December 19, 2009 (353)

"Awesome. Awesome to the max." These were posted all over the Metro the night of Kill Hannah's New Heart For Xmas 7.

Here is Mat Devine performing “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” during New Heart For Xmas 7 at Metro dressed as a Nutcracker.

(Video coming shortly).

Spending a little time at Bobby and Dylan’s place before heading home. I’m enjoying some chocolate syrup as Cease The Day enjoys making a ridiculous face. Bobby brought out a sack of oranges to illustrate a point Timmy C was making. Tim informed us that when babysitting, if a child gets out of line, he likes to beat them with a sack of oranges because it doesn’t leave bruises.

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