Violet Winter

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 76

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 (76)

Quote of the Day: “Tom, this is a recording studio, not a frat house.” –Oscar upon seeing me strutting around Third Coast in jeans and my leather jacket with nothing underneath.

I went to the store to pick up a product, in afore mentioned outfit.

Eric, Jeremy, and I relaxed out on the fire escape for a while enjoying some beverages. Passersby glanced up at me as I leaned against the brick façade, sporting my bare chest covered only by my leather jacket, yeah I’m a tool. Oscar poked his head out the window and asked to the general assembly, “What are you doing?” To which I answered, “Advertising.”

We went to Fadó, perhaps around 11:00, 11:30. Two ladies passed by my circle, I’ll let you picture what you want regarding what they looked like, and a gentleman companion nodded toward the passing women and made comment to me regarding them. “With girls like that, you need to ignore them, and let them come to you.” [One of the many things I picked up in my Women’s Studies class was that women are not girls, they are women. That aside . . . ] I have a different method. It works for me. I wasn’t interested in those skanks anyway.

Here’s a self-portrait I snapped before our guests from the bar entered Third Coast. I was rockin a green sweatshirt, but since in was 74º today, the hottest St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago in 115 years, the studio was a bit warm.

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