Violet Winter

Friday, March 20, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 79

Friday, March 20, 2009 (79)

I met up with Oscar and friends at Armitage and Sheffield and walked to Wicker Park for a little bar hopping for Oscar’s birthday. First we went to Estelle’s for $2 PBRs. After a couple of rounds there we went to Plan B where I took shots of rum in the bathroom from a flask. From there we went to Hangge Uppe where upon entering I had a flashback of another night from when I used to live with Oscar. But that’s a whole other story. We then walked to Third Coast, picked up Jeremy, and pounded the pavement to an after hours party I wanted to check out. We walked in with some people who were outside having a cigarette and skipped the door charge. Five feet into the room I was offered coke, then I found some ladies I knew. Different neighborhoods, different bars, different scenes, different night; a good night.

I had two dreams last night. The first was an intense dramatic escapade of love and friendship that very well could have been my own life told as a story of a prime time teen drama – with all of the roles being played by people from my life.

In the other dream I found myself being the first student to enter a classroom. The female teacher was doting upon five puppies that could each fit into the palm of my hand. The teacher informed me that she needed to run an errand and that the puppies were under my charge. Before exiting the room she turned on a television set at the front of the class, which was playing a film in lieu of teaching a lesson. For some reason the puppies were not being kept in a little doggy basket, or even a box. They were instead posted atop a five-foot tall metal filling cabinet. As students began to file it my attention was briefly averted to them. When I looked back to the cabinet some of the puppies were missing. I could not immediately see them around the perimeter of the cabinet because for some reason the room was full of miscellaneous debris, under which the puppies could be crawling. I called to everyone who had entered to aid me in my quest and warned those who were still entering to watch their step so that they would not crush the tiny animals. After a quick glance to the top of cabinet to check on the remaining puppies, saw that they were all gone now; having disappeared into the endless amount of a forced plot device. After a moment’s worth of panicking, my deus ex machina arrived – I woke up.

Quote of the Day: “No homo. I love Jesus.” –Oscar Salinas

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