Violet Winter

Monday, March 30, 2009

365 Days of Tommy P: Day 89

Monday, March 30, 2009 (89)

". . . but your eyes can’t see."

I was driving up Sheridan Road road today. I was stuck behind an elderly driver who was driving below the speed limit. Behind me was a driver more frustrated than I. Eventually the motorist behind me tired of the slow situation, switched to the right lane and sped up a stretch of the road with Lake Michigan on the right. I proceeded to follow. As the road banked to the left I passed a patrol car that was stationed on a perpendicular street. As Sheridan Road, the car ahead of me, and I all turned right I noticed in my rear view mirror that the patrol car did as well. I got a sinking pain in my stomach when the patrol car turned on its flashing lights and siren. It was the same kind of pain in my stomach I get when I find out something that I wish I hadn't known, or when I see something I wished I hadn't seen. I didn't think that I had been speeding. I've generally been good about my speed since the unpleasantness with the Michigan State Police on I-94 in February 2008. I slowed my POS and pulled to the side of the road. The police mobile cruised passed me and pulled over to cite the driver in front of me for what must have been speeding.

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